Contact Us

Corporate Headquarters

770 Ritchie Highway, Suite W21
Severna Park, MD 21146
TEL: 800-638-6771
LOCAL: 410-544-9530
FAX: 800-380-3784

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Dynasplint Systems, Inc. (DSI) cares about your experience. If you have a compliance concern, or think that a compliance, ethics or integrity standard has been violated, please submit a report through DSI’s Corporate Compliance Hotline—you are not required to leave your name.


No adverse action or retribution of any kind will be taken by DSI against an individual because he or she reports in good faith any concerns or suspected violations.

Individuals making a report to the Compliance Hotline are encouraged to include as much detail as possible, such as names, dates, times, location and the specific conduct they feel may violate the law or DSI policy.